Our story, to date... der video Form,

Our Guild.
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Shawn Duggins
Guild Founder
Posts: 310
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:30 pm
Location: Right behind you...
Persona Name: Hauptmann Dieter Frieherr von Schoenvortz
Guild Offices: Founder/Characterization Administrator/Hauptmann (Captain)

Our story, to date... der video Form,

Post by Shawn Duggins »

So as most of you know, we're having Koroneburg ONLINE this year, (link is on the main forum page) and we have finally completed our submission, including shots of as many members as possible, without making it the Dieter, Chad, Jesse, and Laura show. Laura did 90% of the work, so please thank her with as many offerings of gelder, booze, or other delicacies as you can.

You can see it by working your way through Koroneburg's online world, OR simply by clicking this link HERE:

NOCH WEITER! Any way, Any how, we WILL move FORWARD.
Dieter Freiherr von Schoenvortz
Hauptmann Heiligensturm Fähnlein

As long as I offend, entertain, educate, or amuse at least one person per day, I consider my day complete.
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